Four-part docu-series from J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot and Glen Zipper exploring our fascination with unidentified flying objects, and what clandestine influence the American government, lucrative private companies and the military may have in shielding the truth behind extraterrestrial phenomena to further their own agendas.—SHOWTIME
更新信息: 更新至41集
评分: 8.8
上映日期: 2005-05-16
导演: 拉尔夫·尼尔森
演员表: 曹政奭 Jeong-seok Cho, 彭志义, 李昊宇, 罗慧, 杰西卡·圣克莱尔, 尼克·瑟德, Andrés Velasco, Ariana Maria McCue
类型: 国产剧, 黑色电影
语言: 挪威语 / 丹麦语
地区: 巴西 / 葡萄牙